Help the creative and cultural sector in the SW become more resilient

A new research project – From catastrophe to opportunity? Unpacking the impact of COVID 19 on the creative and cultural industries in South West England – is being conducted by the Creative Economy Unit at UWE Bristol, to hopefully lobby policy makers to appropriately support the Creative and Cultural industries in the South West. To do this, they need to gather intelligence on what the challenges and opportunities are for the companies within the industry. 

This research (funded by UWE Bristol, under the national Creative Economy Programme) is being conducted via a survey this month, and then interviews and focus groups over the next 3 months. They’re looking for freelancers, Directors, CEO, COOs, founders, but it is open to anyone in the creative and cultural sector to take part. 

Please take a moment to complete the survey and share it amongst your networks. The survey is anonymous and takes between 15-20 minutes:

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